But, despite obstacles…this week has been ace. Quality family time, spent in a most beautiful part of the world, with adventure and new experiences.
I’ve done lots of “first things” during our time in the loverly Queensland Glasshouse Mountains in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland:

- Stopped in a lovely picturesque Queenslander-style wood cabin in the bush.

- Seen my first wild snake (a brown snake at that…nearly hit it with the car).
- Licked at raw milk directly [wrong adverb] from a cows udders.

- Used a fleecy blanket over the knees, whilst sat on the sofa.
- Got the small boy on a horse.
- Had a “Gypsy “ dinner.

- Heard the word “Daddy” over a thousand times in one day.
- Jongs in the sea.
- Been to Australia Zoo, the home of the “Crocodile Hunter”.

- Had the tall boy put up a serious challenge at skimming stones.

Coming back to a public holiday weekend, allowing me to get my affairs in order (as well as the laundry), is an added bonus.
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