
This used to be “my personal blog with a professional focus”, and was initially conceived as a way of ranting about technology on behalf of my former employer, Claritas Solutions.

However, that was over two years a decade ago….and I quickly found that my posts were infrequent and a lot more personal in nature…the only thing that wasn’t different was the ranting!

So now I use this site mainly as a kind of public diary….a way of engaging with what I see as an non-existing audience…being able to write in the first person (which is a refreshing change from my working life)….without selling my soul to the likes of Facebook.

If you want to know [and maybe interact with] what I, Dave, have been up to….then this site and it’s associated social media feeds, is where to do it.

Don’t expect too much and then you won’t be disappointed. This is the place where the very little I have to say…get’s put.

Much Love,


Dave’s Downtime @davesdowntime