A Beautiful Spring and the Glorious Summer - A Summary in List Form

It’s fast becoming that loverly part of the year, around my birthday, when the corn is getting long in the fields and humid thunderstorms threaten in the late afternoon. It is a time when some people take their summer holidays [the one who don’t mind paying extortionate prices], and the daily commute to work becomes a pleasure as the schools are off. Just the right time to take stock and do a catch-up post….

What a busy couple of months it has been…..hence the lack of blog post or facebook/twitter updates. And I have a rule which ensures that if I am busy, I tend to get on with being busy and forgo the written commentary…..a bit like if I’m at a gig, I would rather see the band with my own eyes, rather that through the view-finder of a camera phone. Hence the near terminal case of Blog Neglect.

So what have I been doing? Well there was InfoSec and CPX (two security conferences), various types of product training sessions, a plethora of Team Fortress 2 updates and competitive tournament games to play, a 90 minute technical security update presentation to give, loads of client meetings, helping to organise a wide scale asset audit for a leading national hotel chain, technical primer writing, a summer holiday at Butlins (Skegness) and numerous music gigs/festivals to attend.

And what is yet to come? Well, probably lots more same, but hopefully at less of a frantic pace. I’m just not sure how much blogging will be done…but I will make a concerted effort to update more often. [That sounds like so many New Year’s resolutions to “keep up with a journal/diary”, that I have broken over the years!]. In the meantime I hope to retrospectively post some of the post that have been written over the last couple of months, but never published….

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Dave’s Downtime @davesdowntime